What's this all about?
Emmanuel CRC is inviting you into a meditative walk in the weeks leading up to Easter. Since early in the Christian tradition there have been “moments” identified by Christians that Jesus had on the way to the cross (i.e. Jesus falls, Jesus carries his cross); and so we want to invite you to journey with Jesus to the cross by intentionally stopping at a station and reflecting. Each station has an image representing one of these “moments” and is accompanied by a QR code which will take you to reflection questions and meditations on each image*.
Oftentimes these stations are simply set up in the church sanctuary… but we want to encourage you to walk and remember the steps of Jesus as he journeyed to the cross.
You may begin here
If mobility is a challenge for you, a physical copy of the prayer stations is available at the church office. Please stop by or contact the office for your free copy.
*All images and readings are provided by Scott Erikson and used with permission. https://www.scottericksonart.com/