Next Steps Toward Connection
Connect Events
Connect Events are designed to be a place to connect with others at Emmanuel. We hope for this to be a great opportunity for those that are new to Emmanuel to casually get to know others. Equally, we hope for this to be an opportunity for long-term members of the church to connect with other people with whom they might not otherwise rub shoulders with. We also encourage you to invite your neighbours if you think that they might enjoy some food and fellowship.
What's Next: TBD
When: TBD
Spiritual Formation Groups
What is it? An invitation to join with others - either a triad, or small group up to 8 people - each willing to commit to the daily practices of bible reading and prayer, and the weekly practice of meeting with a few others for encouragement on this common journey.
Why this? What many of us need are habits that will awaken us to God’s love and presence so regularly that we are shaped into people that join his mission of blessing the world. “The most powerful choices we will make in our lives are not about specific decisions but about patterns of life: the nudges and disciplines that will shape all our other choices.” Andy Crouch.
How to sign up? You can sign up either individually, and we will put you in a triad or small group; OR, if you have talked among a few friends, you can sign up a group. By signing up you join a common journey with others, and receive guidance and resources for moving forward.
All this is nothing new - it is the ancient way some call a “rule of life”, practiced by many Christian communities around the world. If you have more questions, or simply want to learn more, I invite you to check out the following website:
Newcomers Lunch
This is for you if at any point you desire to connect with the pastor to learn more about Emmanuel’s vision, values, and doctrinal beliefs. This is also an opportunity for us to learn more about you - your gifts, ideas, and questions. If you have decided that Emmanuel is the church you’d like to call home, we encourage church membership. Membership tells us that you wish to join us in following Jesus together, as well as empowering you to vote on future directions of the church and making you eligible to be nominated to be on our Council of leaders.
Next lunch: October 6th after the worship service.